Friday, January 20, 2012

Three Things I Have Learnt

I was learned to do many thing this past year even though it was hard it was still really fun. I learnt how to add animation to our game. I learnt how to add bottons onto our game. Also I have learnt how to improve our game.

The one thing I am very glad I learnt was adding animation to our game. It makes our game looks so much cooler and it't to use. I have no idea haw to add animation till one of my friends in globaloria taught me how. Now I really enjoy adding animation.

I also know how to add buttons. I'm not the best at adding buttons but I do try. It's kinda hard because of all the coding but after you do it so many times you start getting better and faster at it. If I keep on practicing I will start getting better at it.

Improving my game is pretty simple cause you will always find errors in your game that should be fixed. I always try to look over my game and make sure all the buttons and animations work right. If they don't work right I try to fix it. It's usually if I have my coding wrong. Coding can be really hard to do but I always try my best to have it right.

 As you can see I have learnt many new things during my last year of globaloria and I hope to continue to do good and keep on improving. I have learnt to add animation, add buttons, and how to improve my game better.

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